Reunion is unlikely due to cold

Reunion is unlikely due to cold

My hubby spent over twenty years serving in the military. My pal and I both have friends all over the country thanks to being stationed at so many locales, he has been retired for over a decade now in addition to we keep in touch via social media with many of our friends. Lately we

I could sleep in air con all day long

I could sleep in air con all day long

Today is going to be a day of no exercise and no drumming or singing so that I can rest this tired body a bit. The past week I have either played beach volleyball, or drums and singing in the band, for a total of five days out of seven. So needless to say, I

Brother in law knows every skilled tradesman

Brother in law knows every skilled tradesman

If anything is ever going wrong with my central heating, cooling, and ventilation system I just need to contact my brother-in-law to get professional help from one of the local Heating and A/C dealerships It really pays to know the right people. I assume everybody has come to this realization at some point in their

13 cooling units to knock out

13 cooling units to knock out

It is Monday and I am feeling it. This past weekend we played in the band Friday and Sunday for a total of about five hours and my hands and voice were totally shot. We are making some home grown Cali songs from the old school 408 town where I used to play volleyball back

13 cooling units to knock out

13 cooling units to knock out

It is Friday as well as I am feeling it. This past weekend my friend and I played in the band Tuesday as well as Friday for a total of about five hours as well as my hands as well as voice were totally shot. We are making some dwelling grown Cali music from the

Brother in law knows every skilled tradesman

Brother in law knows every skilled tradesman

It particularly pays to know the right people. I feel everybody has come to this realization at some point in their life when they had gotten some kind of amazing deal simply for having the right social contact at the right moment, then personally, I like to maintain a big network of friends as well

By the sea with climate control

By the sea with climate control

Ahh we made some really cool songs this past weekend, and even with the cops stopping us it was worth it. We have a constant battle with the police about playing music in the streets with amplified sound. On one hand you have all the happy people watching us and dancing and singing, and on

Living in changing seasonal environment

Living in changing seasonal environment

I know a ton of people who insist that they could never live in a weather conditions that reMained stable year round & I do not understand this stance. Now, having grown up in a seasonally dynamic area, I can understand the charm of seeing the seasons come & go, but I’m not nearly as

The best season of all

The best season of all

Today is just another afternoon. another hot, humid, miserable summer time afternoon. I don’t know about you, but I am sick of it… So it’s just about everyone I know. It’s been a month on end of this pounding, endless Heat, plus everyone is at their wit’s end, then yep, it’s the end of summer

Nine big heaters to talk about

Nine big heaters to talk about

I have 90 minutes to go before I head to buy more food for these beasts of cats I have. They both look like black panthers and eat like horses. I have to hide their food because they just want to keep eating and they will get fat like my roommate’s cat, who we have

Installing heated floors into my new home right away

Installing heated floors into my new home right away

Have I ever mentioned before about how much I truly love my heated floors? I really love my heated floors. They are probably the best thing that I have in my house. When first moved in we did not have heated floors. However this was the first thing I wanted to change about our house.

Medical condition is entirely indoor air condition – skin

Medical condition is entirely indoor air condition – skin

A few weeks ago I was having a awful time trying to sleep, then every evening I would wake up desperately clawing as well as scratching at my face as well as neck, but they were ridiculously itchy as well as agitated, despite having the same body lotion as well as detergent as regularly… I

Disaffixing daughter’s room from central Heating and A/C for stinks

Disaffixing daughter’s room from central Heating and A/C for stinks

Everyone constantly says that your children’s first five years we’ll go by incredibly fast. The next thing you know, they will be full-blown kids who dislike you… You’ll spend the next ten years dealing with unfathomable emotional responses and hormonal outbursts. I have to say, I legitimately didn’t believe that this was going to be

Gas furnace is on the mend

Gas furnace is on the mend

I hope your week is going well plus you make some cash. I am kind of gleeful for this company I am working for because my fine friend and I are producing cars after several years of working on the company plus should start seeing our stocks go up. They gave each employee 10,000 shares