Everyone regularly says that your children’s first five years we’ll go by incredibly fast.
The next thing you know, they will be full-blown youngsters who hate you… You’ll spend the next ten years dealing with unfathomable emotional responses as well as hormonal outbursts.
I have to say, I easily did not feel that this was going to be the case with my daughter. She loved me so much as a child that I couldn’t foresee our relationship degrading during her difficult teenage years. And I was completely wrong. Now that she is a teenager, everyday is a challenge. The smells alone are enough to give me a migraine. You see, my child has developed a penchant for pungent, floral, sweet perfumes. She’s continually ruining our indoor air by dousing her bathroom with airborne contamination in the form of cheap colognes. As soon as the smelly indoor air reaches our air return vents, we’re doomed for the central heating as well as cooling system to disperse the odors throughout the entire house. The exhausting Heating as well as Air Conditioning system is just doing its job, efficiently transferring air throughout the entire house, then unfortunately, it results in lower quality indoor air as well as respiratory distress for those of us who are sensitive to airborne toxins. I grew so tired of developing painful migraines as well as flu symptom symptoms because of her cheap attempts at air fresheners that I eventually called out an Heating as well as Air Conditioning specialist for help. I had her room detached from the central heating as well as cooling system as well as my buddy and I installed a mini split ductless heating as well as cooling unit instead. Now, she can odor up her room as much as she wants as well as the rest of us don’t have to suffer.