My oil furnace is going to the dump

My oil furnace is going to the dump

I slept good last night & have a lot of energy this week. I went to the beach this afternoon & played two hard games of ball against some outdated ballers, & my pal and I were down 9 to 3 in both games & pulled off a 21 to 19 victory in each one.

Using fans during the Summer time

Using fans during the Summer time

I am from the south and live in hot weather. I decided to stay in the south after school. I went to school up north and a lot of my friends are from there. I remember experiencing the frigid and long winters and seeing snow for the honestly first time. Now that I graduated school

Working on heating articles while friends play

Working on heating articles while friends play

I just got back from the beach for my 45 minute afternoon routine only to find that a bunch of volleyball nets were up & people were playing. So now, three hours later, I am property to work on my writing while they are all out there playing & having fun. It is not simple

Gas furnace is on the mend

Gas furnace is on the mend

I hope your week is going well and you make some currency. I am kind of happy for this company I am laboring for because my pal and I are producing cars after many years of laboring on the company and should start seeing our stocks go up. They offered each employee 10,000 shares and

Kids leave windows open all the time

Kids leave windows open all the time

but lately they’ve been letting all of our high-quality indoor air float away, as well. When I found out that I was going to be a parent I admit that I was terrified. I never expected to have kids in my lifetime and this was a bit of a shocking piece of information to receive.

Relationship ender – terrible ac

Relationship ender – terrible ac

A few weeks ago I started seeing somebody new plus I’ve been trying to tread lightly when it comes to our involvement. I don’t want to jump into anything too abruptly or get in over my head. I want to make the smartest decisions possible plus to make sure we are easily compatible before I

Roomies turn off AC in the middle of the night

Roomies turn off AC in the middle of the night

All night, my room will be stagnant and muggy. I adore my roommates and I want to make that perfectly clear. Since we moved in together everything has been going great and I’m much happier than ever before. The only thing that has been somewhat complicated has been our housing set up. Because my roommates

Going out to brunch plus feeling a frigid breeze

Going out to brunch plus feeling a frigid breeze

My best friend has had difficulties with finding a task. Him plus I have been out of college now for four years. He has been working at small tasks but nothing that correlates to his degree. I was lucky enough to get a task out of college, unluckyly he was not. It took him pretty