The boiling house as well as broken control unit melted our gingerbread houses

The boiling house as well as broken control unit melted our gingerbread houses

We have easily been celebrating the Christmas holiday recently. Last weekend my buddy and I made gingerbread houses. My friend and I like to make gingerbread houses early so that my buddy and I can keep them up longer. However while my buddy and I were making our gingerbread houses the heat started going up.

On poor terms with shop now

On poor terms with shop now

I undoubtedly don’t mean to burn bridges as I go through life, however it sure seems like my personal trek has resulted in some relationship breakdowns. This has been tplot in my personal life, my work, as well as now in my indoor comfort! Let me explain, and when I moved into this city I

Relationship ender – terrible ac

Relationship ender – terrible ac

A few weeks ago I started seeing somebody new plus I’ve been trying to tread lightly when it comes to our involvement. I don’t want to jump into anything too abruptly or get in over my head. I want to make the smartest decisions possible plus to make sure we are easily compatible before I

Medical condition is actually indoor air condition – skin

Medical condition is actually indoor air condition – skin

A few weeks ago I was having a terrible time trying to sleep. Every night I would wake up desperately clawing and scratching at my face and neck. They were ridiculously itchy and irritated, despite having the same body lotion and detergent as always. I couldn’t figure out what was going on with my itchy

Couldn't tell if the heat was working or not

Couldn't tell if the heat was working or not

I’m a kind of strange person, if I’m being honest with you. Most people will take note of that fact within a few hours of meeting me. I’m not a complete weirdo and I don’t have any overt eccentricities, but I definitely have my quirks. One of the things that I’m known for is constantly

Using fans during the summer time time

Using fans during the summer time time

When these friends come in addition to visit me I like to make sure that their stay is certainly comfortable. I am from the south in addition to live in hot weather. I decided to stay in the south after university. I went to university up north in addition to a lot of my friends

I could sleep in air con all day long

I could sleep in air con all day long

Today is going to be a day of no exercise & no drumming or singing so that I can rest this sleepy body a bit. The past week I have either played beach volleyball, or drums & singing in the band, for a total of five afternoons out of seven. So needless to say, I

Going out to supper in addition to feeling a freezing breeze

Going out to supper in addition to feeling a freezing breeze

My best neighbor has had difficulties with finding a job. Him in addition to I have been out of university now for four years. She has been working at small jobs however nothing that correlates to her degree. I was lucky enough to get a job out of university, unfortunately she was not. It took

Ex and thermostat

Ex and thermostat

If you’ve ever been through a break-up you know exactly how nasty it can get it. For years you can spend so much time with somebody and feel like your lives are really aligned, only for everything to completely fall apart the moment that they feel hurt. Their emotions completely overwhelm the situation, and suddenly

Gas furnace is on the mend

Gas furnace is on the mend

I hope your week is going well & you make some money. I am kind of gleeful for this corporation I am laboring for because my pal and I are producing cars after many years of laboring on the company & should beginning seeing our stocks go up. They offered each employee 10,000 shares &

Working on heating articles while friends play

Working on heating articles while friends play

I am also going to buy a drum later this week and play it at sunset for my buddies I just got back from the beach for my 45 minute afternoon routine only to find that a bunch of volleyball nets were up and people were playing. So now, three hours later, I am home

Custom kitchen table and chairs

Custom kitchen table and chairs

I have a very large family. I insist that my husband and my five kids sit down with me for dinner in the evenings. It’s the perfect time to chat about the day, share what’s going on with everyone and enjoy each other. Finding a sturdy and attractive table large enough to accommodate seven people

Nine important heaters to talk about

Nine important heaters to talk about

I have 90 minutes to go before I head to buy more food for these beasts of cats I have. They both look like black panthers as well as eat like horses. I have to hide their food because they just want to keep eating as well as they will get fat like my roommate’s

Animals may be living in my insulation in the attic

Animals may be living in my insulation in the attic

Spring cleaning is right around the corner. I’ve decided to get a jump on it and start during the end of winter. I have a lot of clothes that I just need to get rid of. I sold a lot of my name brand clothes on a clothing app that I installed on my phone.

Allergies from the dirty HVAC ducts

Allergies from the dirty HVAC ducts

Recently I have been wondering why my allergies are so awful at home. When I go to my wifey’s condo my allergies are not this bad. However when I am at condo my allergies are terrible. My friend and I do not have a/c. However my buddy and I do have heating. My friend and