Having wash air ducts is crucial

Having wash air ducts is crucial

I never knew the importance of cleaning until I had my own home. I remember on Wednesdays my brother plus I would help my mom wash the house. My buddy and I would dread his cleaning process. My brother would be in charge of doing the dishes plus sweeping plus mopping the floors. While my

Ten in the morning and using my air con unit

Ten in the morning and using my air con unit

I will be done with all of my work today in about an hour or so, and then I get to just play and have fun with my friends on the coast. There is something magical about the sea and being near it, and I try to get out there every day so I get

Power goes out all the time, thermostat program resets

Power goes out all the time, thermostat program resets

Living in the city presents several unique challenges. Everyone knows that the traffic is absolutely terrible here, and you are doomed to experience frustrating traffic jams and commutes on a daily basis. The outdoor air quality is also something to consider. For most of the year it is ridiculously hot and humid outside, and we

Having wipe HVAC ducts is important

Having wipe HVAC ducts is important

I never knew the importance of cleaning until I had my own home. I remember on Wednesdays my sister plus I would help my mom wipe the house. My superb friend and I would dread her cleaning process. My sister would be in charge of doing the dishes plus sweeping plus mopping the floors. While

Extended air ducts to garage

Extended air ducts to garage

I am extremely gleeful to have air temperature control all the way in the garage now. When my fiance as well as I got together I was extremely attracted to him for one particularally big fact. He is a really handy person as well as he ambitiously takes on various projects to fill his time.

Getting stuck in a blizzard

Getting stuck in a blizzard

The cold weather makes me cringe. Of course the one day where I decide to go visit family up north my flight gets cancelled. Due to the blizzard conditions across the northeast, thousands of flights have been cancelled due to the weather. Thankfully the airline that I was travelling with ended up paying for the

Not the brightest bulb; child hides weed in air vent

Not the brightest bulb; child hides weed in air vent

Periodically I look at my children as well as wonder where on Earth they came from. They have strange interests that I can’t relate to, they have opinions that do not align with anyone else in the family, as well as sincerely they can be rather dense. I consider myself to be a fairly logical

Quit my day job as a healthcare worker

Quit my day job as a healthcare worker

Many years ago, I made a big decision when I chose to attend University for a pre medical degree. I knew that it was going to be a long as well as strenuous educational road, however I unquestionably wanted to obtain a work where I was able to help people everyday. I wanted to be

Living in my parent’s attic

Living in my parent’s attic

I graduated school about two years ago. I had trouble trying to find a task immediately once I graduated. I went on a task hunt all around where I lived and I couldn’t find anything. It was hard and spine-chilling to know that I paid thousands of dollars for a piece of paper and I

We found great air conditioning repair in Jacksonville, FL

We found great air conditioning repair in Jacksonville, FL

They did it with professionalism and high quality tools and service Whenever my mom was looking for air conditioning repair in Jacksonville FL for her new condo, she ended up finding the very best HVAC company ever. I have never dealt with an air conditioning company that does such great work at such great prices

Thermostat for Christmas

Thermostat for Christmas

My family knows me way too well. They know that I’m an extremely practical person and I also have a hard time spending any extra money if there’s a way to avoid it. I’m super Frugal, and especially when it comes to buying things for myself. I would much rather go without you then to

Living in changing seasonal environment

Living in changing seasonal environment

I know a ton of people who insist that they could never live in a weather conditions that reMEd stable year round as well as I do not understand this stance, and now, having grown up in a seasonally dynamic area, I can understand the charm of enjoying the seasons come as well as go,

Better alone

Better alone

I’m the sort of person who has a difficult time getting into relationships. I like to be on my own, because I like the freedom of running my own life without worrying about anybody else. If I want to spend my time a particular way, I don’t want to worry about someone having hurt feelings.