My oil furnace is going to the dump

My oil furnace is going to the dump

I slept good last evening and have a lot of energy this week. I went to the beach this day and played two strenuous games of ball against some seasoned ballers, and my friend and I were down 9 to 3 in both games and pulled off a 21 to 19 victory in each one.

By the sea with climate control

By the sea with climate control

Ahh my pal and I made some truly cool music this past weekend, plus even with the cops stopping us it was worth it. We have a constant battle with the police about playing music in the streets with amplified sound. On one hand you have all the cheerful people seeing us plus dancing plus

Kids leave windows open all the time

Kids leave windows open all the time

When I found out that I was going to be a parent I divulge that I was terrified. I never expected to have kids in my lifetime as well as this was a bit of a shocking piece of information to receive. Don’t get me wrong, I do not have any concern with children… But

Working overtime to save for the holidays

Working overtime to save for the holidays

These days, I feel like I don’t have a moment to myself. Every day, I wake up and get right down to work. I start turning out new data entry projects and in-depth analysis for my remote job. I work for several hours, and try to get ahead for the week if I can. After

Tracking my girls with smart control unit

Tracking my girls with smart control unit

When you’re a parent you have to get creative about keeping an eye on the youngsters, it’s not so simple these mornings with cell cellphones plus wireless internet to keep your children plus youngsters in order… When I was a kid, we only had a home cellphone so it was not simple to be sneaky,

Medical condition is really indoor air condition – skin

Medical condition is really indoor air condition – skin

Although I had changed the air filter many times on my own, I didn’t notice a large Improvement in my indoor air fresheners or the energy efficiency of my central heating and cooling system. A few weeks ago I was having a terrible time trying to sleep, every night I would wake up desperately clawing

The best season of all

The best season of all

Today is just another afternoon. another hot, humid, miserable summer time afternoon. I don’t know about you, but I am sick of it… So it’s just about everyone I know. It’s been a month on end of this pounding, endless Heat, plus everyone is at their wit’s end, then yep, it’s the end of summer

The boiling house as well as broken control unit melted our gingerbread houses

The boiling house as well as broken control unit melted our gingerbread houses

We have easily been celebrating the Christmas holiday recently. Last weekend my buddy and I made gingerbread houses. My friend and I like to make gingerbread houses early so that my buddy and I can keep them up longer. However while my buddy and I were making our gingerbread houses the heat started going up.

I could sleep in air con all day long

I could sleep in air con all day long

Today is going to be a day of no exercise & no drumming or singing so that I can rest this sleepy body a bit. The past week I have either played beach volleyball, or drums & singing in the band, for a total of five afternoons out of seven. So needless to say, I

Allergic to mold, and it’s everywhere

Allergic to mold, and it’s everywhere

I knew that the old air conditioner didn’t do an amazing job with energy efficiency, temperature control, or air quality management A few months ago I started having something strange happening. My entire face would swell up without reason to the extent that I could barely open my eyes. It looks like I had just