House came with a smart thermostat, but we had to pay

House came with a smart thermostat, but we had to pay

After living in several different houses in the past few years, I realize that there are some very important factors in a home residence. I need to have a large outdoor space that feels semi-private from the neighbors. I need to have my own bedroom and bathroom so I can hide away from the world.

Living in changing seasonal environment

Living in changing seasonal environment

I know a ton of people who insist that they could never live in a weather conditions that reMEd stable year round as well as I do not understand this stance, and now, having grown up in a seasonally dynamic area, I can understand the charm of enjoying the seasons come as well as go,

Seeing dust on the return air vent

Seeing dust on the return air vent

I entirely miss university. I have only been out of university for a few months now although I miss residing with my best friends in addition to hanging out with them everyday; On the weekends it was the best. My pal and I were able to go to parties in addition to bars. Now that

Trying to deal with an AC repair plus a screaming baby

Trying to deal with an AC repair plus a screaming baby

My husband is the handy one out of the two of us. If something goes wrong in the house I simply let him know plus he takes care of that. In exchange I keep the house cleaned, the laundry done, plus make all the meals. Well, my husband has to travel for work a bunch.

Thermostat for Christmas

Thermostat for Christmas

That’s why, I was so Overjoyed when my brilliant family bought me a smart control machine for Christmas this year My family knows me way too well. They know that I’m an severely practical person & I also have a strenuous time spending any extra money if there’s a way to avoid it. I’m super

Plants are cheerful I got a humidifier

Plants are cheerful I got a humidifier

I have to admit, I am the type of guy who puts a lot of care and attention into my inanimate objects. In particular, I am a bit too obsessed with my indoor plants and garden. I know that a lot of people have proudly proclaimed that they are planned moms these days… But I

Coworker wasn’t paying for house Heating & A/C – slept at office

Coworker wasn’t paying for house Heating & A/C – slept at office

I have to admit, since I started laboring at my new task I have wondered how one of my co-workers had such an expensive lifestyle. He is regularly talking about going on these wild inhigh-priced trips with all of his buddies. He has an severely extravagant automobile & shows it off properly. And he has

Seeing dust on the return air vent

Seeing dust on the return air vent

I honestly miss school. I have only been out of school for a few months now although I miss residing with my best friends and hanging out with them everyday, and on the weekends it was the best. We were able to go to parties and bars. Now that I have moved back home there

The coldest building on campus

The coldest building on campus

This past weekend I was spending some quality time with my girlfriend as well as my buddy and I decided to go on a long hike together. It was a beautiful afternoon to venture outside, because the fall season had easily settled. The leaves on the trees were starting to change color as well as

Living in my parent’s attic

Living in my parent’s attic

I graduated school about two years ago. I had trouble trying to find a task immediately once I graduated. I went on a task hunt all around where I lived and I couldn’t find anything. It was hard and spine-chilling to know that I paid thousands of dollars for a piece of paper and I

A large hole near the front door

A large hole near the front door

You might want to get a sealant to spray on any cracks around windows or doors In my apartment I can see that there’s a crack in the door. In fact there is a pretty big one. When the front door is closed I can actually see outside. There is a hole between the door

You do need working AC in Chicago

You do need working AC in Chicago

Chicago, Illinois isn’t exactly known as a tepid location, typically the winters are more what my friend and I are known for. However, that isn’t to say the summer time season doesn’t get hot! Our summers range from the high 70s to the low 68s, for people who aren’t used to the heat & humidity,

Thermostat for Christmas

Thermostat for Christmas

My family knows me way too well. They know that I’m an extremely practical person and I also have a hard time spending any extra money if there’s a way to avoid it. I’m super Frugal, and especially when it comes to buying things for myself. I would much rather go without you then to

Parts weren’t being installed officially

Parts weren’t being installed officially

I’m easily not the lady you should ask for mechanical help… I have no idea how machines work plus I’m not interested in finding out. I’m a medical writer for a living, plus I easily don’t find myself researching things like indoor air quality or air temperature control in my off-hours; That being said… hastily