Relationship ender – disappointing ac

Relationship ender – disappointing ac

A few weeks ago I started seeing somebody new & I have been trying to tread lightly when it comes to our involvement. I don’t want to jump into anything too suddenly or get in over my head. I want to make the smartest decisions possible & to make sure we are really compatible before

How do you know you have a Jacksonville AC repair?

How do you know you have a Jacksonville AC repair?

In Jacksonville, FL you don’t want to mess around with cooling systems. When you suspect you have a repair, it is best to call for Jacksonville AC repair immediately, but signs to look for are when your a/c makes unusual sounds; Grinding, screeching, plus other loud operational sounds can be something as small as low

Ex and thermostat

Ex and thermostat

If you’ve ever been through a break-up you know exactly how nasty it can get it. For years you can spend so much time with somebody and feel like your lives are really aligned, only for everything to completely fall apart the moment that they feel hurt. Their emotions completely overwhelm the situation, and suddenly