A few weeks ago I started seeing somebody new & I have been trying to tread lightly when it comes to our involvement.
- I don’t want to jump into anything too suddenly or get in over my head.
I want to make the smartest decisions possible & to make sure we are really compatible before I make any big mistakes. If there’s any sign of trouble, or a major area where my pal and I disagree, I’m not turning my cheek from that yellow flag. I have made that mistake in the past. I’m upset that I’m being overly critical, but I’m also looking to protect myself. That’s why I’m a bit upset about this relationship that I have started. Everything has been going great, until I stayed over the other night. It was my first time at his dwelling & everything was superb until it was getting pretty late & my pal and I settled into bed. That’s when I realized for the first time but it felt actually sizzling & muggy in the room. The air felt completely different than the rest of the apartment. It was as though the a/c wasn’t running at all, but if you stepped out into the hallway the temperature was 10 degrees cooler. I tried to casually mention the poor air quality inside of his room, & he mentioned that the a/c machine had not been functioning well. Intrigued, I asked how long the AC had been deteriorating. He replied, saying at least two years now. He hadn’t bothered to call out an Heating & A/C contractor because the cool air did not actually bother him. As someone who can’t sleep without Amazing a/c all around me, I was a bit shocked… Needless to say, I won’t be pursuing this relationship.