Tracking teenagers with smart thermostat

Tracking teenagers with smart thermostat

When you’re a parent you have to get creative about keeping an eye on the kids. It’s not so simple these days with cell phones and wireless internet to keep your children and teenagers in order. When I was a kid, we only had a home phone so it was not easy to be sneaky.

Couldn't repair A/C if my friend and I tried, FREON system

Couldn't repair A/C if my friend and I tried, FREON system

When my husband and I moved into this property my friend and I realized that it was going to be a bit of a fixer upper. It was evident that my friend and I had some work to do before my friend and I had the property of our dreams, and however, my friend and

The best season of all

The best season of all

You wait for the day that they are actually feels cold on your skin when you step outside to go to work. This week is just another day. another hot, humid, miserable Summer day. I do not know about you, but I am sick of it, then so it’s just about most people I know.