Reunion is unlikely due to cold

Reunion is unlikely due to cold

My partner spent over twenty years serving in the military.

My great friend and I both have friends all over the country thanks to being stationed at so numerous sites.

She has been retired for over a decade now & my pal and I keep in touch via social media with numerous of our friends. Lately my pal and I have been talking a lot about a reunion of sorts. Not a formal thing but just a get-together of the ones my pal and I actually contact often & would care about to see again. The complication comes with finding a location that works for everyone. So numerous live in the extreme North, South, East, & West & finding a location where the location & weather conditions work is very difficult. Anyone who lives below the Mason Dixon Line doesn’t want anything to do with traveling North due to the chilly & the rest of us don’t want to be in the heat of the South, and you would know with modern technology & the fact that most sites are weather conditions controlled this would not be an issue, and no matter where my pal and I decided to meet up, I am sure that people like myself, could have the a/c component running or our Southern friends could turn on the heat if my pal and I were uncomfortable. I do not want to plan the event in the middle of winter season up North or the heat of Summer down South but my pal and I should be able to come up with a solution. I actually hope over the course of the next year my pal and I can plan something. My great friend and I spent some actually great times with all of these friends & it would be good to see them again.


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