Kids and chores; at least I can tell when partner skips air filter change

Kids and chores; at least I can tell when partner skips air filter change

If you try to manage a household, you understand how hard it is to get everyone on board with doing their part! For whatever reason, my three teenagers and partner are insanely lazy when it comes to pitching in around our home.

I feel like 90% of the chores fall on my shoulders, and I am lucky if I can get the four of them to contribute in any way. It’s one thing for me to have to nag the teenagers to put down their video games and wash the bathrooms, but it’s honestly absurd that I have to worry about my partner skipping out on her apartment duties, and namely, I am constantly worried that she is failing to take care of the central heating and cooling system; Since our indoor air quality control device is critical to the health and immune function of our entire family, I am quite worried with maintaining high quality indoor air. I trust that my partner should feel the same about our central heating and cooling system, considering how much it cost to purchase the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C device and pay for the professional upgrade. In reality, she is rather flippant when it comes to arranging professional Heating, Ventilation plus A/C diagnostic appointments, caring for the dirty ductwork system, and even changing the air filters. I will say, there is one saving grace when it comes to necessary Heating, Ventilation plus A/C maintenance and my lazy partner. I can entirely tell when she has not changed the air filters. Where the teenagers can lie to me about dusting for a few weeks, I just have to pull out the old air filter to tell if it is still obstructed with pet hair, pollen, and mildew. It’s no concern to catch my partner red-handed.


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