The Gateway to Home Comfort

Living in changing seasonal environment

Living in changing seasonal environment

I know a ton of people who insist that they could never live in a temperature that reMained stable year round and I do not understand this stance! Now, having grown up in a seasonally dynamic area, I can understand the charm of seeing the seasons come and go, but I’m not nearly as fond

Living in changing seasonal environment

Living in changing seasonal environment

I know a ton of people who insist that they could never live in a weather conditions that reMained stable year round & I do not understand this stance. Now, having grown up in a seasonally dynamic area, I can understand the charm of seeing the seasons come & go, but I’m not nearly as

Allergies from the dirty air ducts

Allergies from the dirty air ducts

Recently I have been wondering why my allergies are so bad at home. When I go to my boyfriend’s apartment my allergies are not this bad. However when I am at home my allergies are terrible. We do not have air conditioning. However we do have heating. We have turned on our heating recently. I

The train filled with cold air

The train filled with cold air

Being stuck on a train is not ideal. I tried to make it home for Christmas on the train. I didn’t have another mode of transportation. The train is cheaper than flying too. So I ended up getting stuck on the train. The tracks are completely covered with snow. There is no way of removing

The warm house and broken thermostat melted our gingerbread houses

The warm house and broken thermostat melted our gingerbread houses

We have really been celebrating the Christmas holiday recently. Last weekend we made gingerbread houses. We like to make gingerbread houses early so that we can keep them up longer. However while we were making our gingerbread houses the heat started going up. I could feel it it was getting warmer inside. I could also

Keeping my house cooler during the winter

Keeping my house cooler during the winter

Most people like to keep their house really warm in the winter time. However I am not like this. I like to keep my house rather chilly in the winter time. I prefer my house to be a little cooler because it is good cuddling weather. I also love to wear leggings, sweatpants and sweatshirts.

Having a fight with my friend realizing we should lower the heat

Having a fight with my friend realizing we should lower the heat

I had a really awkward fight with my friend today. We both live in the same apartment though. Usually we see each other on the weekend day and I don’t have to work. I did not really have anywhere to go either. I also did not want to spend money. So I did not go

Attending a winter wedding relying on the heat

Attending a winter wedding relying on the heat

I will have to attend a wedding very soon. Unfortunately the weather is getting much colder. I feel like it is so different to attend a wedding in the cold. I am almost confused as what to wear. I am so used to just wearing a nice dress for a wedding. However I do not

Getting a tune up for the winter before it's too late

Getting a tune up for the winter before it's too late

Well Thanksgiving is finally over. Now it is time to celebrate Christmas. We have been celebrating Christmas for quite some time. Christmas is probably one of the biggest holidays of the year. I have even already went out shopping. However now that Christmas is on its way that means so is the cold weather. The

A large hole near the front door

A large hole near the front door

You might want to get a sealant to spray on any cracks around windows or doors In my apartment I can see that there’s a crack in the door. In fact there is a pretty big one. When the front door is closed I can actually see outside. There is a hole between the door

Needing zone control in my apartment

Needing zone control in my apartment

For some reason my room in the apartment building is the coldest room. It is the coldest room in our apartment. For this reason I wish we had a Zone control technology with our thermostat. Having zone control technology would definitely take care of the issue of my room. I am not even sure why

Making sure my HVAC system is up to date for the holiday

Making sure my HVAC system is up to date for the holiday

So you want to make sure that your HVAC system is working if you are hosting a holiday This year it was my turn to host Thanksgiving. I was not very excited to host Thanksgiving. I know how much work Thanksgiving can be. You have to make food for everybody. You also have to make

Installing heated floors into my new home right away

Installing heated floors into my new home right away

Have I ever mentioned before about how much I truly love my heated floors? I really love my heated floors. They are probably the best thing that I have in my house. When first moved in we did not have heated floors. However this was the first thing I wanted to change about our house.

Leave it all to a professional

Leave it all to a professional

I feel as if you should never underestimate yourself. I am a do-it-yourself kind of man. I love to fix things and build things on my own. I hate having to rely on other people to do the dirty work. I feel as if I am just as capable as other people are in fixing