I hope your week is going well plus you make some cash.
I am kind of gleeful for this company I am working for because my fine friend and I are producing cars after several years of working on the company plus should start seeing our stocks go up.
They gave each employee 10,000 shares plus mine is now worth about $3500, which is pretty cool because when I started it was only worth about $250. I suppose if I hold onto it for a few years it could hit the $100K mark plus then my fine friend and I would be set for a while, heating plus cooling technology is the division I toil in for the company, specializing in Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C equipment manufacturing out on the floor. I may even buy some more shares next month if I have some extra cash plus try to get like 12500 shares of the stock, that way if it hits the $10 mark like they are saying I would have $125K. I could then buy a modern cooling system for my flat plus maybe get a used electric car if I am feeling so inclined. I don’t have a car now plus entirely don’t need one with the small town that I live in overseas. If I moved back cabin to toil for the local company then maybe I would buy a car to get around because I entirely don’t like riding a motorcycle in that town plus need some cold air conditioning system in the summer. The weather gets entirely hot in the summer time plus it is nice to drive a car plus not a cycle.