When my wife and I moved into this apartment we realized that it was going to be a bit of a fixer upper! It was obvious that we had some labor to do before we had the dwelling of our dreams, but however, we were ready for the challenge because we are seriously ambitious and handy human beings.
It did not seem like it would be too hard for us to labor together in order to get the usual residential set up that we had been hoping for, however unfortunately, while in all of our inspection and estimation of the labor we would need to complete, we forgot something actually important, nobody checked out the central heating, cooling, and ventilation control system.
Don’t get me wrong, we made sure that there was an A/C component and a forced air boiler installed for the house. However, nobody looked too deeply at the existing component to make sure that it was going to last for a while. In fact, we found out that the control component worked and washed our hands of the entire heating and cooling system, that is, until the A/C component broke down a few weeks ago. out of nowhere we had warm and stagnant air trapped inside the house, however when I called the local heating, cooling, and air quality control dealership I thought it would be a simple repair for them to get the A/C system up and running again. Well, I was wrong. It turns out that our A/C component is so outdated that we can’t repair the thing if we tried… Because the AC component ran on freon it is incompatible with the new cooling solutions available on the market this week, however along with all of our apartment renovations, we are looking at March A/C reboot.