A few months ago I started having something unusual happening. My entire face would swell up without reason to the extent that I could barely open my eyeah. It looks like I had just been eating shellfish despite a drastic allergy. At times, my eyeah were absolutely so puffy that I could not see straight. My respiratory health began to fail around the same time. I developed a persistent cough but occasionally turned into a dry heave and a painfully raw throat. It started getting entirely hard for me to regulate my health and attend work every afternoon. No matter how many healthcare experts I went to, they could not seem to help me with my immune system and respiratory health concerns. They kept putting me on current allergy medications and sending me back out the door. It wasn’t until my friend saw an article on the downstream effects of bad indoor air quality that I finally realized my condo and central Heating, Ventilation plus A/C system were the problem. Living in the South, the air is properly boiling and humid. This makes your condo harshly susceptible to mildew and mold growth if you don’t have the correct air quality control devices in place. Not only do people rely on their central cooling systems to control air temperature, but they serve as a relative humidity management system. Unfortunately, my central cooling system was over 15 years old when I moved in. I knew that the old air conditioning system did not do an amazing job with energy efficiency, temperature control, or air quality management. However, when I finally called an Heating, Ventilation plus A/C worker and they notified me that there was black mold growing in my ductwork work, I realized the full extent of my Heating, Ventilation plus A/C woes. No allergy pill on Earth can undo the harm of black mold in your central heating and cooling system.
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