Custom kitchen table and chairs

Custom kitchen table and chairs

I have a very large family. I insist that my husband and my five kids sit down with me for dinner in the evenings. It’s the perfect time to chat about the day, share what’s going on with everyone and enjoy each other. Finding a sturdy and attractive table large enough to accommodate seven people

Home automation helps with upkeep for two homes

Home automation helps with upkeep for two homes

The automation system includes sensors for moisture, smoke, movement and glass breakage My husband and I own two homes. From November until sometime in April, we live along the southeastern coast of the country. We enjoy warm weather and sunshine and avoid the brutal cold and endless feet of snow up north. For the remaining

Enrolling in a maintenance plan for furnace and air conditioner

Enrolling in a maintenance plan for furnace and air conditioner

The investment into a top quality air conditioner and furnace was significant. These systems are two of the most expensive appliances installed in the home. I spent extra in order to take advantage of higher SEER and AFUE ratings. My family relies on the heating and cooling units just about year round. In order to

Great HVAC Technician

Great HVAC Technician

I remember always hearing my grandmother say “kids these days, always do things half-heartedly.” When I was younger I didn’t really know what this meant until when I was an adult and had to hire contractors to work on my home when I realized what she meant. My husband and I recently had an electrician

Seeing dust on the return air vent

Seeing dust on the return air vent

We would always clean our rooms at least twice a week, so we weren’t sure why or where the dust was coming from. I really miss college. I’ve only been out of college for a few months now but I miss living with my best friends and hanging out with them everyday. On the weekends

Using fans during the summer time

Using fans during the summer time

I am from the south and live in warm weather. I decided to stay in the south after college. I went to college up north and a lot of my friends are from there. I remember experiencing the cold and long winters and seeing snow for the very first time. Now that I graduated college

Having clean air ducts is important

Having clean air ducts is important

I never knew the importance of cleaning until I had my own home. I remember on Sundays my sister and I would help my mom clean the house. We would dread her cleaning process. My sister would be in charge of doing the dishes and sweeping and mopping the floors. While my job was to

Realizing that there was radiant flooring in gym

Realizing that there was radiant flooring in gym

It turns out that there was radiant flooring in the gym Being active is very important to me. I try to be active at least 4 times out of the week. Whether it is walking outside or going for a light jog on the treadmill I try to do some kind of cardio at least

I love my dog but there are some things I can’t stand

I love my dog but there are some things I can’t stand

My dog is very cute I love her to death. I got her from an animal shelter about 5 years ago. She is now 7 years old. I can tell she’s getting older by the gray hair that is around her face and chin. She’s a beautiful dog, very loving and friendly with people. I

Reminder to call the HVAC technician

Reminder to call the HVAC technician

After the holidays everything is kind of hectic for me. I have to go back to work and do a lot of paperwork that I miss at least five days of. The place that I work at gives us employees a decent amount of time during the holidays. Also after the holidays I like to

Living in my parent’s attic

Living in my parent’s attic

I graduated college about two years ago. I had trouble trying to find a job immediately once I graduated. I went on a job hunt all around where I lived and I couldn’t find anything. It was difficult and upsetting to know that I paid thousands of dollars for a piece of paper and I

Going out to dinner and feeling a cold breeze

Going out to dinner and feeling a cold breeze

My best friend has had difficulties with finding a job. Him and I have been out of college now for four years. He has been working at small jobs but nothing that correlates to his degree. I was lucky enough to get a job out of college, unfortunately he was not. It took him pretty

Getting stuck in a blizzard

Getting stuck in a blizzard

The cold weather makes me cringe. Of course the one day where I decide to go visit family up north my flight gets cancelled. Due to the blizzard conditions across the northeast, thousands of flights have been cancelled due to the weather. Thankfully the airline that I was travelling with ended up paying for the

Animals may be living in my insulation in the attic

Animals may be living in my insulation in the attic

Spring cleaning is right around the corner. I’ve decided to get a jump on it and start during the end of winter. I have a lot of clothes that I just need to get rid of. I sold a lot of my name brand clothes on a clothing app that I installed on my phone.